Friday, October 30, 2009

Mod B

This week was the first week in Mod B for me. I love my teacher. She is going to be harder than my first teacher but that is okay, it will be good for me. I took my first quiz on Thursday and got a 93. We have had 3 grades so far and I got 98, 97, 93 =) I have my first exam this Mod on Monday. I am kind of scared about is open book. Those scare me more than the ones that are not open book....not sure why.

Rylee is doing great at school still. She is teething, or at least I hope that is what it is, and has been EXTREMELY irritable lately. George and I were wanting to go out to eat on Wed. night so we picked up Rylee from school and headed to S. Arlington to a Mexican restaurant that we have been wanting to try. We got in, got our table and before we even got our drinks we had to leave....she didn't want to sit, didn't want to be held, didn't want a bite or a drink, she was throwing a "Grand Mal"tantrum! We got in the car and it was back to "normal", laughing, singing, and saying "bite". So we stopped at another restaurant and AGAIN...had to leave, same scenario!!!!!!!!! George was MORTIFIED! He had never experienced Rylee like that. She is also in her terrible 2s I am guessing. We took Rylee to Boo at the Zoo on Tuesday and she was a TERROR the first hour we were there. I was not allowed to hold her, push the stroller, or ANYTHING that she wanted daddy to do. BUUUUT all that aside, she is a perfect almost 22 month old. She is funny and the good times out weight the bad but the bad are BAD! Here are her first school pictures.......

George has been working less and less as the busy season starts to wrap itself up. He was driving from one job to another yesterday and some MORON 20 year old kid and his twin brother were leaving school (TCC) and decided not to look before pulling out right in front of George. It probably totaled the other guys car. George will find out on Tuesday if they are going to total his truck out or not. We are hoping that they will just fix it because we really can't afford a truck payment right now, nor do we have the time to go through lawyers. BUT we will do what we have to do to make this right.

We have decided not to take Rylee trick or treating because she has proven to us this week that she is not at the right age to handle being in public! haha just joking, we just know that she doesn't need candy, no kid does, and she would be miserable because she likes to go to bed early. Not sure what else we have planned for the weekend but I know that I will be studying on Sunday.

That's about it for now.........

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumkin Patch

Here are some of the good pictures that I took of Rylee from yesterday. My sister, Amie, and I ran around and had lunch together and then we picked up Rylee from school early to take her to the same pumpkin patch from last year. Rylee was a little nervous at first and I wasn't sure if she would even let me take a picture of her. She soon outgrew that and was a wild woman from that point on. She was posing, laughing and trying to move all of the small pumpkins that she could carry. All of the small ones were "awe, too cute" in her words. She was a little ham. Amie and I were having to chase her all over the place. She spotted a little waggon wheel bench and that is where we got the best pictures. She picked all the pumpkins that were in the picture with her (except for the 1 large one that was already there). She got to pick out a pumpkin to bring was $1 the smallest of her stash!!! BARGAIN!!!!!!!!! We took her to the park on the way home to let her get rid of the rest of her energy!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fall Break

This is my HAPPY FACE.....I took my Mod A Final yesterday and I got a 100!!!!!!!!!! I have a 95 in lecture and a 97 in Lab. It took a LOT of late nights studying but I am so proud of myself. My throat FINALLY stopped hurting. This was the first morning in over a week that I woke up and didn't have a soar throat. My cough is pretty "man-like" and "attractive"! haha

Rylee had her first school picture day yesterday at school. She looked so cute. She was the ONLY kid in the class that REFUSED to have her picture taken though. BUMMER. They are going to try again today so I am keeping my fingers crossed that she doesn't flip out. I took her to the park yesterday when I picked her up from school and she was having a BLAST so George and I took her back to the park after we got done with our dinner. Here are some pictures of her....

George got a new riding, zero-turn mower on Monday of this week. I think he has fallen in love for the second time! He is such a little boy and that is so much more than just an expensive mower, it is a TOY! He and his friends were riding it around and "making sure that it worked right" from the minute he took it off the trailer. He needs it though. He desirves it. He has really worked hard this year for Rylee and I. I am so proud of him. I just love him to pieces! (shh, don't tell Rylee she will get jealous! lol)

Today, I am going to my dad's old house to help Nana run a garage sale for my step-mom. Tonight I am plannin on having a girls night with Jessica if George gets home early enough today. Tomorrow, George and I are going downtown Ft. Worth for Oktoberfest at the Flying Saucer and I can't wait to try out the specialty beers! I am on Fall Break all next week and I am planning on doing some Fall cleaning. Puting the summer stuff away and breaking out the long sleeves and sweaters.

That's it for now.......

Friday, October 9, 2009

Sick and Tired

Sick and tired of being sick and tired. George was the first one of us to get sick. That was about a month ago. Rylee was sick Sat night-Wednesday and finally went back to school yesterday. My throat started hurting Wednesday and by 3 yesterday afternoon my fever and body aches had set in. My throat makes it impossible to swollow anything other than fluids.

Next week marks my 4 th week of school. I have a paper/presentation on Macular Degeneration due Monday (I finished it Wednesday). I have a vocab (abbreviations) test on Wednesday and then on Thursday I have my Mod A final. I can't believe it, one Mod down....10 more to go. I am loving school. Of couse, like anywhere you go whether it be school or work you can never be too far away from drama. We have a girl in our class who likes to tell everyone about everything in her life and quite frankly I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!! I have a lot of studying to do this next week for the final and abbreviation quiz. THEN it is Fall break and I will have the following week off of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im ready for a break

Sorry this is so short but I don't feel well and I want to go back to sleep.

Friday, October 2, 2009


SO, it is Friday and I am beginning to see that even though I don't have school on Friday it is also not just a day off. All the house cleaning (laundry, vacuuming, mopping, dusting, etc) that I used to do through out the week before I started school has all been jam packed into a one day, Friday clean-for-all!

George has still been keeping busy for now. I am not looking forward to the "slow" seasons. I even went to help him mow a lawn yesterday because he needed some extra help. FYI: I don't mow!!!!!!!!!!!! It was sort of humerus (except for the blister I now have on my thumb). Those damn commercial mowers are heavy and they are sooooooo faaassssttt. I was being pulled across the lawn! I am so happy those people weren't home to watch me make a fool of myself.

Rylee is growing like a weed. Her hair is getting so long. She is LOVING her school. She wakes up in the morning saying "go, get out" because she wants to go and I need to get out of bed! haha She doesn't even wait for me to get her lunch into the fridge at school before she is saying bye and running off and playing. When I pick her up in the afternoon she says bye to all her friends (there are only 6 kids in her class including her) and then she helps me get her things together. I ask her about her day and she babbles on and on about what I am guessing is all the fun stuff she did that day! haha She is a riot.

School is going good. I am beginning to settle into a routine. The homework is time consuming and studying for 2 tests a week is less of a challenge than I thought it would be. I have been learning about injections and how to give them! I am LOVING IT! According to all my victims (other student in the class) I give great injections. They can't even feel them. I however have receives a few painful ones and I have been told by my teacher to carry my student ID with me in my car in case I get pulled over because of all the bruises on my arms. I can just hear myself now......"I don't shoot up, I swear , officer" haha.

Tonight out friends are coming over and if the weather is nice we are cooking out some ribs. Tomorrow we are going to a 4 year old birthday party at the park just across the street from where we live. It should be fun. Sunday I am going to study for a test I have Monday. Sometime before Monday I need to get some more shoes for school and go to the grocery store because Rylee and I have nothing for lunch next week.

That is it for now.........................