Friday, October 30, 2009

Mod B

This week was the first week in Mod B for me. I love my teacher. She is going to be harder than my first teacher but that is okay, it will be good for me. I took my first quiz on Thursday and got a 93. We have had 3 grades so far and I got 98, 97, 93 =) I have my first exam this Mod on Monday. I am kind of scared about is open book. Those scare me more than the ones that are not open book....not sure why.

Rylee is doing great at school still. She is teething, or at least I hope that is what it is, and has been EXTREMELY irritable lately. George and I were wanting to go out to eat on Wed. night so we picked up Rylee from school and headed to S. Arlington to a Mexican restaurant that we have been wanting to try. We got in, got our table and before we even got our drinks we had to leave....she didn't want to sit, didn't want to be held, didn't want a bite or a drink, she was throwing a "Grand Mal"tantrum! We got in the car and it was back to "normal", laughing, singing, and saying "bite". So we stopped at another restaurant and AGAIN...had to leave, same scenario!!!!!!!!! George was MORTIFIED! He had never experienced Rylee like that. She is also in her terrible 2s I am guessing. We took Rylee to Boo at the Zoo on Tuesday and she was a TERROR the first hour we were there. I was not allowed to hold her, push the stroller, or ANYTHING that she wanted daddy to do. BUUUUT all that aside, she is a perfect almost 22 month old. She is funny and the good times out weight the bad but the bad are BAD! Here are her first school pictures.......

George has been working less and less as the busy season starts to wrap itself up. He was driving from one job to another yesterday and some MORON 20 year old kid and his twin brother were leaving school (TCC) and decided not to look before pulling out right in front of George. It probably totaled the other guys car. George will find out on Tuesday if they are going to total his truck out or not. We are hoping that they will just fix it because we really can't afford a truck payment right now, nor do we have the time to go through lawyers. BUT we will do what we have to do to make this right.

We have decided not to take Rylee trick or treating because she has proven to us this week that she is not at the right age to handle being in public! haha just joking, we just know that she doesn't need candy, no kid does, and she would be miserable because she likes to go to bed early. Not sure what else we have planned for the weekend but I know that I will be studying on Sunday.

That's about it for now.........


  1. Oh my gosh, I hate when they decide to have a full on meltdown when you are out at dinner. I like "grand mal" tantrum, I will steal that!! This is such a hard age isn't it? So rewarding, yet so trying! I am happy that you are doing so well in school. Keep it up lady!

  2. You're doing awesome in school! Keep up the good work! I just had to laugh at the grand mal tantrum. Classic. Kyndra has been throwing more tantrums but it's not too bad.....yet. lol

    Gosh, it's so irritating when people don't pay attention and cause accidents like that. Glad everyone is ok but that will suck if you have to have a payment now.

    We took Kyndra trick or treating but only to a couple houses. It didn't last too long before she wanted the candy. We gave her some oreos she got instead.
