Sunday, February 20, 2011

another blog?

I am thinking of starting another blog to connect with other people who have lost a parent. I KNOW that my mom is in a better place. I KNOW that is is not supposed to be "easy" to loose a parent BUT I feel like a part of me is missing. I feel like I could cry all day sometimes. I feel I would not wish this pain on anyone! I feel like I miss my mom! I miss the way she was ALWAYS so positive. I miss talking to her on a daily basis AND HEARING HER VOICE IN RESPONSE! I miss her tiny hands and the way she would squeeze 3 TIMES, meaning I LOVE YOU, every time we held hands. I miss getting cards in the mail for no reason! I miss the way she always knew what was going through my mind without me having to say anything, even over the phone she knew what I was thinking. I miss the way she smelled. I catch myself calling my grandmother ONLY TO HEAR MY MOMS VOICE ON THE MACHINE! I hurt today, every day really, but today is a hard day......