Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mommy update

Today my mom had a meeting with her oncologist to see when/if they were going to start that new treatment. BUT they have changed there mind all together. As of now they are going to do a full body scan to locate the other tumors that they are pretty sure are growing. She is having a hard time gaining or even maintaining her underweight frame. They are going to start the pill form of chemotherapy. I will be honest, I am a little bummed about them not trying the treatment but if they think this will be best then I will trust the doctors and support their decision. The best news is that my mom should be back to Texas by July. They will monitor her by weekly blood work but she can have blood drawn anywhere and the results can be sent back to her doctors in California. I will know more as the week goes on so I will update more in my post this Friday.....

Speaking of which, I missed last Friday but I will catch you all up this Friday, promise!

That is about it for now..........

Friday, May 7, 2010


Putting her bear on the "potty" and then cleaning him up. She is such a good mommy!

giggling at me
WOW...nice morning hair. Don't worry I fixed it before taking her to school!
spinning, spinning, spinning, all fall down!

So not much went on this week just busy busy! As you can see Rylee is turning into more and more of a girly girl everyday it seems like!