Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"Summer Break"

I will start this post with some good news because I'm not sure I am capable of talking much about the not so good news in my life right now. This is the bedding that I am going to get for Rylee's twin bed because SHE IS IN HER BED NOW!!!!!!!!!! Last night was her first night but I AM NOT GOING BACK!!!!! It took her a little bit to fall asleep, 23 min to be exact, and getting out of bed 3 times before she finally fell asleep around 9:30 but she stayed in her bed until 4:45 this morning. When she woke up she didn't cry (I had the baby monitor on HIGH right next to my ear) she just walked down stairs and got into our bed and went back to sleep for another 2 hours!!! She has been out of pull ups for about a month now and she has had NO ACCIDENTS!!! She is truly a big girl now. Kinda makes me sad but I'm still not sure I'm ready, or ever will be ready for another one. I want another one but now that she is becoming such an independent 'lil thing I'm not sure I'm ready to start over again.....if it happens it happens!

George has been sooo busy and his business keep growing. He picked up 7 new customers last week!

I am on my Summer break. I finished EKG-I with a 98 average!!!!! When I go back I only have 4 more weeks of school and the 4 weeks of externship and I am DONE!!!!! I can NOT wait. I have not been doing a lot of anything since being on break. We have gone to the pool and I have sorted through Rylee's room and taken a few much needed naps! That is about it, oh, and I have been able to go to the gym every morning which does wonders for my stress and emotions. I went to the gym 2 times yesterday. My mom was supposed to be coming in today. She is not. She is too sick. The chemo is making her extremely sick. Yesterday was the first day that she had eaten in 3 days without getting sick. She has been to the hospital several times in the last 2 weeks because the tumors in her lung give her the sensation that she is drowning and she can't breath causing her to have panic attacks. I feel so bad that I am not there taking care of her. I want to be sooo bad. She will not let me take time off of school so I am just praying that she hangs a while longer. I am stressed to the gills being so far away from her. I try so hard not to cry when I talk to her.....but it happens anyway. I wish I could take her pain away, be with her, finish school, and make her all better but I can't. I have been praying more than normal which is a LOT! ok.....I can't talk about this anymore, not right now.

That's about it for now.......

1 comment:

  1. Love the bedroom set you have picked out. I'm glad she's in a big girl bed now! Kyndra is still in her crib. lol I think we'll make the transition maybe this fall.
