Friday, March 19, 2010

Ended Mod F!

I will start with my mom! As most of you know she was diagnosed with her 4th brain tumor in mid-January. They postponed her surgery date because they found a spot on her lung during her pre-op assessment for the brain surgery. They did a biopsy on her right lung this past Wednesday, St. Patrick's Day. They have no reason to believe that it is malignant so that is great news. We should know for sure on Monday what it is. Yesterday, they set the new date for her brain surgery. April 19. That is AWESOME in my eyes!!!! I have never missed a surgery of hers and I was nervous about possibly having to miss it. I have my Spring Break April 16-25 so I am planning on going to California the whole time. I had been planning on going anyways but now I won't have to miss her surgery. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, and I believe that my prayers were answered when it comes to me being able to be in Cali. for my mom's surgery and not miss any school. I would like to thank all of you that have been praying for her. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. The power of prayer is a miraculous thing.

George has been busy busy busy with work these days. He has been working later and later every night. He and I went to J. Gilligan's for a few drinks on St. Patty's Day with his sister, Kelly. We had a pretty good time. I posted a picture at the end of this post. I am glad that we left when we did because I had my Mod F Final the next morning.....I know you are thinking "why would she go out the night before a final?" and to that my response is....I got a 100!!!!!!! I am going to really miss Mr. Grant. He was an awesome instructor and he made the class fun and memorable, obviously....I ended the Mod with a 100 average!!!!!!

Rylee Roo has been having what the doctor called "bad allergies" off and on since January. She has been getting Benadryl EVERY morning and night for 2 weeks and then last night she started coughing and running a fever. This morning I called her school to let them know that she was going to be out and that she had a fever and they let me know that 2 other students in Rylee's class were diagnosed with Strep-Throat. GREEEAAAAAT!!!! I called her doctor and told then nurse that I was still convinced that she had allergies/cold but that 2 kids in her class have Strep and that since it is Friday I wanted to have a Strep Test done on her just to be on the safe side. The test came back NEGATIVE for Strep-Thank Goodness! He was still not happy with the amount of snot that he could hear NOR was he happy that she was had been on benadryl for over 2 weeks and was not clearing up. The Verdict: Sinus Infection and a prescription for Amoxicillin. She has had one dose of it and a lil motrin for her fever and seems to be feeling fine now.....she is watching Blues Clues about to take a nap.

That is about it for now......

Here are some pictures from the last few days!


  1. That is really great that you can be there for your mom's surgery now!! Yaaay!

    Way to go on getting a 100!

    I'm glad Rylee doesn't have strep but a sinus infection is good either! Hopefully she'll be better in no time now!

  2. I am so happy that you are able to be there for your moms surgery. She is in my prayers always.

    Congrats on your 100. You are doing such an awesome job at school and I am very impressed. I would be a total wrech trying to factor in school right now (which I plan on doing soon anyways).

    I'm a little late on hearing about Rylee being sick but I hope she's feel better.

  3. Congrats on the 100!
    So glad you get to be there with your Mom, that is wonderful! We will continue to pray for her! You are right, God is good!
    Poor Miss Rylee! It is that time of year though :( Luke has been getting Zyrtec everyday since early January, suggested by his ENT Dr and his Pedi. As well as Singular every day. It has helped ALOT! If he goes a day can bet we will be at the Dr office within a day or two b/c of fever. blah. If she gets snotty again, try zyertec.
    Keep us updated on your Mom! Hope you guys have a great Easter!
