Friday, April 30, 2010

The last 2 a nut shell

We had a WONDERFUL visit in California with my mom. Rylee was AMAZING on the planes both there and back. She slept the whole way back and we even had a 3 seat row to ourselves! When we landed in Palm Spring Rylee had NOT gone pee the whole 3 hour plane trip because she has an aversion to big people toilets and she doesn't like going in her diaper so, as you saw in the photos she went in her potty seat that my mom happened to have in the trunk!My grandmother and Rylee are so amazingly close, that was an awesome sight to see. My grandmother and I have been close my WHOLE life and at times when I couldn't/was too immature to go to my mom about stuff, I always confided in her. My mom is doing good. She has to gain some weight, she has lost 16 lbs since she was here in February. (I wish i had her metabolism). Her doctor wants to make sure that he has his schedule clear the week that my mom is in the hospital since she is going to be having a treatment that he has never administered and that has never been given here in the US. She has to go back on May 18 for a weight check to make sure that she has started gaining and not losing again. They won't let her have the treatment if she is over or underweight. Rylee LOVED swimming and at times it was HARD to keep her head above the water, she loves to go under and blow bubbles, kick and move her arms. I thing if we would have had another day or two she would have been swimming all by herself! We took her to The Living Desert and she loved to see the Giraffes and the petting zoo. Here are some pictures from our trip. As much fun as we had, I couldn't wait to get home! Vacation is fun but home is ALWAYS better IMO! I missed my bed!

I mentioned in my last post that the 15th was my last day as an MA student and so when I got back from vacation, I started the X-Ray program this past Monday!!! It is a short jam packed course of only 8 weeks! I have a paper due EVERY week and tests every week as well. I like my teacher so much and I think I am really getting the hang of everything that we covered to far. I got an A+ on my first paper!!!! and a 120 on my first test!!!!!!!!! I didn't miss a thing, I even got ALL the bonus correct!!! I was so stoked! Im sure next week will not be so much fun because we are going to start the physics part of the whole process, but I have confidence that I will be just fine! It doesn't hurt that George's dad is a Radiological Physicist!!!! Im sure I will be calling him frequently the next few weeks. I need to get the Medical assisting and Phlebotomy practice test books soon so that I can go ahead and test for them over then next 3 1/2 months so that when I am done with school I will be done with all my testing also.

George has been SUPER busy, he has not had a Saturday off in the last month other than the Saturday that Rylee and I were in California and it rained here.....either way, Rylee and I have not been seeing much of him. He left the house at 6:45 this morning and has been getting home between 6:30 and 7:30 every night. I am looking forward to going out with him tonight while his parents watch Rylee for us. I miss my man!!! (I know it sounds sappy but it is true!)

Have a good weekend everyone, if you want to see more pictures from our trip they are available on my facebook page. That is about it for now...........


  1. HA! She is SO going to kill you for that picture of her on the potty one day! LOL I love it! Can't believe she did so well on the plane and the whole trip in general. Glad you got to spend some time with your family! Keep us updated on your Mom! She is still in our prayers!

  2. That's so funny that's she's peeing in the truck of the car. :) I'm glad you had a wonderful visit with your mom and grandma. I hope your mom is able to gain some weight and not lose any.
