Friday, October 9, 2009

Sick and Tired

Sick and tired of being sick and tired. George was the first one of us to get sick. That was about a month ago. Rylee was sick Sat night-Wednesday and finally went back to school yesterday. My throat started hurting Wednesday and by 3 yesterday afternoon my fever and body aches had set in. My throat makes it impossible to swollow anything other than fluids.

Next week marks my 4 th week of school. I have a paper/presentation on Macular Degeneration due Monday (I finished it Wednesday). I have a vocab (abbreviations) test on Wednesday and then on Thursday I have my Mod A final. I can't believe it, one Mod down....10 more to go. I am loving school. Of couse, like anywhere you go whether it be school or work you can never be too far away from drama. We have a girl in our class who likes to tell everyone about everything in her life and quite frankly I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!! I have a lot of studying to do this next week for the final and abbreviation quiz. THEN it is Fall break and I will have the following week off of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im ready for a break

Sorry this is so short but I don't feel well and I want to go back to sleep.


  1. I hope that ALL of you are feeling better soon and no one gets sick again. You're just pushing right on through school. You deserve that break! Spend it relaxing and getting some rest. Feel better Girl.

  2. Hope you all get to feeling better and good luck with your classes!
