Friday, December 11, 2009

when it rains.....

it POURS! Last night when George got home from work he went to open the garage door and it BROKE! The gear came off the motor and he had to do it manually. Thanks goodness the across the street man is a garage door repair guy!!! This morning, Rylee and I were on our way out the door (jacket and backpack ON) and she went into the bathroom to tell George bye, he was getting in the shower. I looked down at the floor and water was EVERYWHERE and coming out fast. The pipe from under our sink broke when he turned the shower on and ruined EVERYTHING that was in the cabinets. ALL my make up, cotton balls, both sets of clippers that George used on his head and face, and a few other things that Rylee had "hidden" (a few binky's that I hadn't seen in MONTHS and a hairbrush that I thought I lost). I had just washed ALLLLL the towels last night and blankets for the couch, now they all have to be re-washed YUCK! AND because there had been a leak under the sink that we didn't know about we found MOLD!!!! Looks like I will be getting new bathroom counters/cabinets.

They say that bad things happen 3s, what will be next?!? Hopefully nothing because this is going to hit us hard when it comes to buying, or not buying Christmas presents.

Just had to get all this off my chest so that I don't explode. I think I will go to the gym, and work off some stress (and lbs. ) once the next load of laundry goes into the dryer.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I really hope there isn't a 3rd thing!! That is good that your neighbor knows about garage doors. That's quite helpful!
