Thursday, June 17, 2010

After dinner water fun

Tonight after we ate dinner, home made chicken tenderloins with macNcheese and green beans, Rylee INSISTED on going outside to play. George moved her slide to the front of the house for the evening shade and Rylee then decided that she no longer wanted to play on her slide instead she wanted to water the plants....this is how it turned out! Don't be alarmed at the bruise on her head and the swelling and green that is under her eyes. If you don't already know, Rylee had a run in with a book case at school...LITERALLY!!!! Enjoy....BTW, Im LOVING my new camera!!!! (incase you couldn't tell!)

Okay, so I HAD to throw the last 2 in there...our Tropicana's are looking good this year!!!

1 comment:

  1. She looks so cute in her big girl panties. :) I can't believe they are even old enough to wear those! Well, Kyndra still isn't there yet but prolly won't be too long. Nice pics!!!
