Friday, January 29, 2010

Its HOT is COLD....

WOW. This Texas weather change is making for runny noses here in our house. It was sunny and warm enough on Monday for me to be in flip flops and a tank top and now the DFW area is experiencing light snow.....seriously! That is what it is like here in Texas, in case you didn't know! But what better excuse to make some home made chili!?! My house smells mmm, mmmmmm good!

I started a new Mod (E) on Monday. I was looking forward to having Mrs. Gust that I had in Mod C but her MS is "flaring" up so she is only with us the first 3 hours of the day. Mrs. Bryant is nice and all but I am a little bummed. This is an intense mod over the urinary system and hematology. This past week was all focused on laws (CLIA and OSHA again) and the different types of hematology labs. I was pretty stressed because on Monday we found out that our final (in 3 weeks) is 38 pages long PLUS 3 diagrams. SERIOUSLY!?!? She has our vocab tests and chapter tests on Thursdays and they are pretty intense. I got a 95 in the vocab and a 91 on the chapter test (I must have had some good guesses because I was SERIOUSLY getting all the laws mixed up). Enough about me.

Rylee is moving forward with her potty training skills! She is in panties 90% of the time! George and I are so proud of her! She has made me so proud. I can't believe how fast she has taken to the potty. She even woke me up on Wednesday night to let me know that she needed to go!!!! The thing we need to work hard on now it teaching her to pull her pants AND panties down! She has been trying to go on her own without telling us and she ends up peeing on the potty IN HER PANTIES! ;) She is trying though and that is what is important. She has been potty training for ONLY 10 days! She is throwing less and less temper tantrums which has been nice. BUT when she throws one, MAN it is bad! She is still enjoying school and she putting more and more words together and every now and then she will ask/tell us a sentence! I am so proud of her

George has been keeping busy, or as busy as he can in the slow season. He has found a new love....disc golf! He has become quite obsessed! It is a little annoying but he could be doing worse things so I try not to complain too much. He is having to learn how to be a better helper around the house because I can not keep up with laundry, cleaning, a toddler and school work all by myself anymore. He is adjusting well for the most part.

that's about it for now...........

1 comment:

  1. I love disc golf! It's so much fun! I haven't done it for a couple yrs but now I wanna dust off my discs. ;) Yeah, I saw you guys were getting some crazy weather. No flip flops here! lol Sounds like you have a pretty intense class. You'll do great in it! Rylee is doing awesome at PLing! Kyndra is in need of a few pointers. lol
