Friday, January 15, 2010

Our Story.....

Im sort of at a loss when it comes to what I write about. SOOOO I think I will just take it back a few years to 1997.....

I was in 8th grade at Shackelford Middle School here in Arlington, Texas. It was Mid March, I was 14. My friend Paul introduced me to a boy named George (I bet you know where this is going now). Paul and George were in 9th grade, and have been best friends since before Kindergarten. Their parents still live on the same street. I had a crush on George, my first REAL crush. I was just starting to get a little "boy crazy". Paul was an immediate friend to me. I had just moved to Arlington from Maui Hawaii where I had live the previous 2 1/2 years. George and I started talking on the phone and I guess you could say we were "boyfriend/girlfriend". My mom, was not fond of George (to say it nicely) nor was George's mom of me. George would sneak out at night and come to my townhouse about 1/2 mile away with a few of his friends, Blake, Josh, David and sometimes Paul too! My cousin, Heather was staying with us that Summer (we were together EVERY Summer from the time we were babies) and she would sneak out with me to the pool everynight when my mom and then step-dad went to bed. We would go swimming, talk/hang out, etc. After a month or so my mom was DONE! I went out of town for a week with a friend of mine and when I got home my mom had packed up our townhouse and told me we were moving THAT NIGHT!!!!!!!!!! I was devastated.... I knew that George was going to come see me that night....I "made" my mom wait so that I could say good bye.

We moved to Addison. that is 25-30 miles away....a long way for a 14 year old girl and a 15 year old boy to carry on a relationship. I was so giddy, girly and "IN LOVE" (naive) that I thought we would be together FOREVER. We dated off an on through high school, which caused more heartache than anything so we broke up the Summer before my senior year. I soon started dating a new guy, Scott, and was treated "the way a girl should be treated". We moved in together just after I graduated and got engaged. After a year of living together I decided that I wanted to move in with some girlfriends before we got married so that I would know what it was like. I think in the back of my mind I knew that 19/20 was too young to be so serious, but I loved him.

New Year Eve, just after I turned 20 (going into 2003) I met up with Paul and ran into George. It was crazy, the butterflies that I got when we were 14 were still there.We talked, I told him I was happy and engaged and doing great in school (I WAS!!!!). I soon later broke up with Scott....the next day to be exact. George and I started "talking" in February. He courted me, took me on dates, and took me home. It was a side of George I hadn't known before..... 6 months later I moved back to Arlington with one of my female room mates and a year after that George and I moved in together. That was August 2004. We have had our hard times, bad times, good times and GREAT times....together. We got married January 2, 2009. This March will be 13 years from the time we started dating... We are so blessed to have what we have....TRUE LOVE. The good times out weight the bad and I KNOW that we will be that cute little old couple still holding hands and pinching each others butts as we walk down the street......

that's it for now..........

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