Friday, January 8, 2010

Rylee is 2!!!!

Rylee turned 2 on Monday. I can't believe it. She is 2. My baby is not a baby. She is running, CLIMBING, jumping off of things, talking up a storm, learning new words EVERY day. She is 29 lbs 14 oz and 33.5 inches tall. She is in size 2T-3T clothes, size 6 shoe, size 5 diaper, and seems to be going through a growth spurt. She has grown 13.5 inches and gained 23 lbs 3 oz since she made her debut into our life at 4:34am 1-4-08. That seems like a lot but she has only gained 6 lbs this past year. She was on the chunky side most of her first year, especially after her surgery. She is, unfortunately, in full swing with the "terrible 2's". Her attitude is quite amusing at times but for the most part I will NOT miss this phase. Don't get me wrong, she is sweet as can be 95% of the time but the other 5% she is BAD. We are enforcing time out. She has graduated from 1 min. time outs to 2 min. time outs!(1 minute per year old she is) She has 22 teeth, only had 8ish at her first birthday! She loves her babies and playing house. She is using her imagination and it is so cute to watch her play! She is still 100% daddy's girl. We are having her birthday party tomorrow at my dad's house (thanks daddy). Should be LOTS of fun. I will post pictures later this weekend. George and I ordered her a REAL cool art easel/desk for her birthday and we finally got it yesterday. Here are some pictures......
School is going good for me, same old same old, drawing blood, giving injections, performing EKGs....and still making GREAT grades! I also just found out that when I am done with school I can challenge the board who administers the LVN testing and possibly become an LVN also!!!! George is working, trying to stay busy. He (I) will be happy when the winter season is over and he is able to stay busier.

that's about it for now............

1 comment:

  1. The art easel is really neat. Kyndra got something similar for Christmas. Happy Birthday Rylee!
