Wednesday, September 9, 2009


This morning went a little bit better when I dropped Rylee off. I was able to get A LOT done. I went to the DMV and got my last name changed from Lappa to McDaniel, FINALLY! I picked up Linda and we went to the SS office to get our social security cards changed (yes, she and Bill have been married for 1 1/2 years and she STILL had not done this part). I went back to her house and she made us salad with zucchini, squash, greens, red bell peppers and shrimp, it totally hit the spot. I got home and it was still only 1 p.m. I was able to get 2 loads of laundry in before going to pick up Rylee. Rylee did so good today at school. She napped on her mat from 12-2:20....YES, a 2 hour and 20 minute nap! She was completely happy all day except for the drop off this morning. That makes me feel optimistic about tomorrow morning's drop off (fingers crossed I don't cry for the 3rd day). Rylee was supposed to have see Dr. Chiarello at 3:45 but when I got to their office the nurse and I decided that there was no real reason for them to see her because her rash was 100% gone!!!! Rylee and I went to the store and then we came home and played for a little bit before I got the spaghetti sauce going for dinner tonight. Here it is 4:45 and all I have left to do is boil some noodles, feed, bath, and play with Rylee and George until 8 then it is ME TIME!!!! I am going to have some wine and relax with the hubby before bed tonight.....can't wait.

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