Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School

Let me back track a bit. Saturday morning we woke up and Rylee had a little rash that looked similar to heat rash on the underside of her butt/back of thigh. I got online and looked up "fever followed by rash" and the Three Day Rash popped up. I am convinced that this is what Rylee had. By the end of the day her rash was on both legs, arms, face, feet and hands

These pictures do her rash no justice, it was scary looking and swollen at one point. Her rash is much better now and almost gone.

TODAY!!!!!! Rylee had her first day of school and it was much harder on me than I think it was on her. She was not in the mood to get up this morning, go figure! When I want her to sleep she is up at 6:30 when she has to get up she fights me 'til 7:45. I fed her breakfast and got her lunch packed and then I turned around to get her bag and she had dumped an entire cup of water down her dress and was trying to dry it off with a pillow before I saw! haha sneaky lil booger! I got her dressed and we were on our way. These are the only pictures I got of her before school because she didn't want to change, she was just fine in a soaking wet dress!

I got her to school at 8:45 about 15 minutes later that I had planned. I got her into her class and waited about 4-5 minutes to make sure that she was okay! I exited the room and she didn't even notice. I was choking back tears the whole time. I got to the car and realised that I had left my cell phone in her class room. I had to go back. I tried to sneak in and sneak out but she saw me leave and LOST IT! I had to keep walking, I know Rylee and if I would have gone back I would have not left without her. I got to the car and bawled my eyes out for a min. or two. I gathered myself and decided that I needed to keep myself busy so I ran a few errands for George and then I met my sister for lunch. My mom got Rylee a nap mat that we had ordered online from Target.com and although it is nice I think Rylee would like something with a little more cushion so I went to 3-4 different places before I found a kinder mat to make it have a little more padding. '

By the time I got home and vacuumed and done 2 loads of laundry it was 3 and I couldn't take it anymore. I got Rylee from school at 3:15. I got to meet Rylees afternoon teacher that I had never met before. They give us daily report cards that let us know what they do, eat, play with, and if they are happy, etc... Rylee was good, to my surprise she actually napped for 1 hour and 20 minutes on her mat! I was shocked. They said that she was a little sad and fussy this morning, which I already knew and that she was a little fussy after her nap also. That is pretty normal for her because she likes to cuddle when she gets up.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow is a little easier......for the both of us.


  1. congrats on making it through her first day!! fingers crossed that tommorow is easier!! she is a doll!!

  2. I didn't know you had a blog Monica....I'm too lazy to start my own but I love reading other peoples blogs. Congrats on making it through the first day I'm sure she is going to love it.

  3. Aw, that had to be heartbreaking to walk away and leave her in school when she was upset. :(
