Thursday, September 24, 2009


That is the only word that can describe the last week that we had. Monday was my first day of school and to my SHOCK we were jam packed with home work. 3 chapters worth of reading, 40 words to memorise, and 14 pages of homework!!!! I studies until 10-11 every night BUT it all paid off though because I had my first test on Thursday and I got a 100!!!!!!!!! Whoo Hooo (tooting my own horn just a bit) I am so happy and proud of myself.

Rylee has gone the last 2 days with out crying when I dropped her off at school which has made this transition much easier on me! She has also decided that crying when I pick her up doesn't make much sense either and has decided to cut that out of her daily schedule as well! haha ;)

George is getting over some sort of cold/allergy/sore throat thing that he has had for a few weeks off and on now. My ankle is still black and blue but not as swollen (can't remember if I wrote about that previously or not).

I don't have school tomorrow so I am planning on getting all caught up on laundry, vacuuming, dishes, and POSSIBLY dusting but we will see. I am shocked at how messy this place seems to stay especially now that I am in school and George and Rylee are incapable of throwing anything away or cleaning a dish!

I am looking forward to a pretty relaxing weekend with family. The only thing we have on our agenda is Aavary's first birthday party on Saturday. I will probably get a head start on homework for next week and read ahead and make some flashcards for next weeks vocab on Sunday and also do a little more reviewing over the exam I have Monday. I am pretty confident on the last 3 chapters though so I am not going to over load my plate with too much studying....YES THERE IS SUCH A THING!!!!!! That is about it for now..........

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