Friday, September 11, 2009


Today is September 11, 2009. WOW, has it really been 8 years since that horrific day? My brother was 12 when that happened and now he is fighting for our country in a war that was started to defend us from what happened that day. I'm not going to turn this into a long blog about this because it is pretty depressing to me so I'm changing the subject now...

I got Rylee to school at 7:55 today!!! Whoo-hooo!! She was a LOT better this morning when I dropped her off and it is making it just that much easier for me to leave her. Rylee had a dentist appointment with her dentist at Children's Medical Center at 1pm so that meant we had to leave Arlington around 12-12:15 and since that is when they start nap time at her school I figured I would go get her at 11:30 so that I wouldn't disrupt the other kiddos trying to sleep. We got to her dentist's office and they checked her out and counted her teeth...16!!! Yes, 16 teeth! I was SHOCKED! I thought she was at 15 because I was convinced that the tooth where her cleft is hadn't grown in but I was wrong! He was able to show me it and that was a relief!!!!!

Heather and Aavary are coming over this afternoon and then tonight George and I are going to have some family time with Rylee just the 3 of us. She needs it and so do I after the transition with school and how hard it has been on the 2 of us. I never thought I would be so upset about her starting school. I knew that she would have a hard time with it but I never pictured myself crying, boy was I wrong!

We are supposed to go to our friend's house tomorrow night for an all day pool party/cookout but if it keeps raining this hard we probably will not end up going. If we do go Rylee will be having her first all night sleep over with George's parent which would be tons of fun for her I'm sure. We'll see what the weather is supposed to do tomorrow and make up our minds......

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